Building your Personal Brand (in Web3)

Uncovering and articulating your purpose is a foundational element in building your personal brand. On September 30, 2024 our founder, Sebastian, sat down with the Co-Chairs of the Blockchain Ireland Startups and Web3 working group, Fiona Delaney and Alejandro Gutierrez. The three of them had this breakfast chat on the occasion of the Blockchain Ireland Blockchain Bootcamp to create this resource for bootcampers who are looking to develop their network in the Irish web3 ecosystem. Below is our summary of the conversation. The full discussion is on YouTube.

From Sebastian’s perspective, a personal brand is the collection of connections over time. All three of them agreed that your personal brand is grounded in your values, interactions with others, and how you show up across the different areas of your life.

There is a lot of room for exploration in Web3. An added opportunity is the digital landscape that dominates interactions in the space. A lot of work and social life in web3 happens online, you have to get to know your audience across each channel to adapt your personal brand depending on where you are. You even have a lot of room to play and invent an alter-ego if that brings you joy. 

Twitter, LinkedIn, Discord, Telegram – there are several touchpoints in web3. Each platform has its own rhythm, and its own language. The key? Consistency in your core message and flexibility in your approach.

Just like in Jazz music, your core melody (your purpose) remains the same, but you will play it differently for a club audience versus a in concert hall. 

Your personal brand isn’t built overnight – it’s cultivated with intention. Ask yourself:

– Why do I want to build my personal brand?

– Who am I trying to reach?

– What value can I offer?

Let these questions unearth your intentions. If you’re aiming for a specific ideal client or partner, your intentions and expression will be different from a job seeker. 

Here’s a little secret: being yourself is the easiest way to appear confident and to build your personal brand with at least effort as possible. When you are authentic, you are naturally at ease. And when you’re at ease, you put others at ease too. Plus if you can draw from your something that interests you, it will be much easier (and more fun) to keep building your brand.

Don’t be afraid to show curiosity and ask questions if you don’t know something. In the rapidly changing (and still somewhat young) Web3 space, asking thoughtful questions is a strength, not a weakness. It shows you’re engaged, eager to learn, and open to new ideas.

Building a strong personal brand is like tending a garden. It takes time, consistent care, and the right seeds to plant:

– Get clear on your intention: A central ‘why’ will guide how you build your personal brand and can offer inspiration when the going gets tough

– Be patient: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a powerful personal brand.

– Stay consistent: Regular, meaningful interactions and consistent values expressed across different channels will build trust over time. Make sure that you keep that consistency throughout in-person or virtual meetings as well

– Add value: Contribute openly to discourse and discussions without expecting something in return

Remember, you don’t have to be everything to everyone. Having the a significant impact on the right people will accelerate your growth. 

Building a personal brand doesn’t need to be complicated. Think of it as an extension of yourself. You can take one part and enhance it (e.g. be a showy entertainer) or mash multiple facets of yourself together. Make sure that you root your personal brand in a purpose, your values, and a goal of where you want to be in a given timeframe. 

Successfully building a personal brand doesn’t mean amassing thousands of followers on social media, instead, focus on meaningful connections and contributions to your web3 community. In this journey, every interaction – physical or digital – is an opportunity to learn, build, and make a positive impact. 

If you want to dive deeper into personal branding with a focus on web3, take a look at the full conversation with Fiona Delaney, Alejandro Gutierrez, and our founder, Sebastian Grube.